Aug 24, 2016 | News

[av_heading heading=’4 Crucial Traits To Look For In A New Home Builder’ tag=’h1′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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Building a home is exciting, but it’s also nerve-wracking. There are so many decisions to make, and if you’ve never done it before it can be simply overwhelming.

We’ve put together a list of traits to look for in a home builder, to help you take the worry out of building your home, and help guide you through the process.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’d be happy to help!

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[av_heading heading=’1. Reputable/Experienced’ tag=’h2′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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How do you determine if a new home builder is reputable or experienced?


Houzz, Facebook, Google and the builder’s own website should be a treasure trove of reviews from various people or organizations on the effectiveness of the builder. Many great companies will have a few bad reviews, but shouldn’t usually drop below a 4- on a 5-star system.


Photos and testimonials. Any builder who is proud of their work will show it off, either on their website, Houzz or Facebook. Photos, stories as well as testimonials solicited from happy customers should be present and easily accessed.

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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’2. Deadline Driven’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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When do you need your house built by? Is that a hard date? Even if it isn’t, you probably want your builder to hit the deadline you’ve agreed upon.

A deadline driven home builder will respect the agreed upon deadlines, and communicate constantly during the process so if a deadline does need to adjust for unforeseen circumstances, you’re in the know immediately.

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’3. Professional/Flexible’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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You’ll want a home builder who is both professional and flexible.


A professional home builder will have a nicely maintained website, lots of reviews online, a good presence on Houzz, Facebook and other media, and photos of work they have done.


A flexible home builder is one which does more than just build the home. They may have a design center, drafting capabilities, their own lumber yard and other services that they can assist you with at the drop of a hat. In this way, you don’t have to piecemeal together multiple services, because your builder is flexible enough to handle all of your needs.

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’4. Communicative’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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Good communication is the cornerstone of any relationship.

  • Does the builder you’re investigating have a website or other online presence?
  • Do they answer the phone or have a respectable voicemail greeting?
  • Do they have reviews online, and have they responded in a polite way to them?
  • Can any of your acquaintances speak to this builder’s communication skills?

All of these things will go a long way to helping you know if they are good communicators.

Again, if you have any questions about home building or finding a home builder, please contact us at any time.